Several health experts, along with Feliciano López, recognize the benefits of moderate wine consumption at the I Jornada A tu Salud
As the first winery in La Rioja, Marqués de Murrieta has an ironclad commitment not only to always offer the highest quality in its wines, but also to care about those who enjoy it. For this reason, on February 6 they have convened doctors, researchers from different areas and an athlete to give voice to this scientific evidence and healthy lifestyles.
Through entertaining presentations, they wanted to disseminate the knowledge that exists about the benefits of moderate wine consumption for health. Marqués de Murrieta has established these conferences to create an environment where professionals can give guidelines and promote healthy living by drinking wine moderately, because we must not forget that wine is a food included in the Mediterranean diet and has multiple properties.
In this First Conference, doctors and experts in different areas have been invited: cardiology, hematology, dermatology and public health; and a reference like Feliciano López, who, being an elite athlete, includes wine in his diet.
All of them have explained from their experience and studies, the benefits of including wine in a balanced diet and pointing out the great differences that exist between the consumption of wine and the consumption of other distilled alcohols.
As explained by Dr. José Luis Díez Martín, head of the haematology area at the Gregorio Marañón Health Research Institute, the iron and polyphenols contained in wine can help reduce the incidence of some haematological cancers such as lymphomas or leukaemias and "n drinking wine or drinking it abusively, limits the attainment of those benefits."
On the other hand, the cardiologist Dr. Carlos Macaya, who operated on Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 1993 and who currently chairs the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) and is head of the Cardiology Service at the San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid), explains that there is no reason to eliminate wine from the diet of a heart patient because the polyphenols in wine are antioxidants and help improve heart health.
Similarly, one of the promoters of the study Prevention with the Mediterranean Diet (PREDIMED), 012751 Dr. Alfredo Gea, alluded to the studies he is carrying out in which it is concluded that drinking wine in moderation, within the pattern of the Mediterranean diet, reduces the risk of mortality. According to him, "drinking wine during meals is one of the healthiest habits we can have."
In her specialty, Laura Muga (creator of Fresh Grapes, the first 100% organic cosmetic line made from grapes) highlights the incredible antioxidant benefits of resveratrol contained in grapes. It activates the longevity gene and slows down skin aging.
It was Feliciano López, Spanish Olympic athlete, who put the finishing touch to these days by telling his experience. He himself includes a moderate consumption of wine in his diet and assured that the best years of his sporting career have coincided with the years in which he became most fond of the world of wine, and concluded that if he continued to consume wine moderately and with a Mediterranean diet, he will be able to continue playing at the same level until he is 50 years old.