Environmental performance at Pazo de Barrantes

The company is renewing its ISO 14001:2015 Certification this February

In accordance with our commitment to the environment and society and in line with our environmental policy, we continue to implement actions that allow us to continue evolving towards business excellence. After our recent adhesion 012752 012751 to the Decalogue of Integral Sustainability of the Food Industry, designed and promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, we closed 2019 having strictly complied with all the environmental legal requirements applicable to our activity. During the last year, an exhaustive operational control of all the environmental aspects identified has been carried out, such as the consumption of raw materials, consumption of natural resources, external noise, atmospheric emissions, etc. having also successfully carried out the corresponding scheduled environmental drills.

Once again, progress has continued to be made in reducing waste generation; Examples include reductions of 16% in paper and cardboard per litre of wine; 7% in glass waste per litre of wine and almost 10% in the generation of diatomaceous earth waste per litre of wine.

And we continue...
